How to Regularly Clean my Cowhide Rug?

Cowhide Rugs are one of the most beautiful home décor additions, they look great almost in any room whether is your living room, bedroom, nursery room or office. However as any other ítem and furniture at home it requires to keep up with regular Care and Cleaning, even sometimes accidents like spills might occur, but dont worry Cowhide Rugs are really easy to maintain and we will tell you methods to maintain and keep the beuty of it.
Vacuum your Cowhide Rug
Due to their quality Artisan cowhides rugs are extremely durable in high traffic areas, and so easy to clean with a periodic light vacuuming that will help you remove any dirt and solid material, also you should always vacuum your Cow Hide Rug in the direction of the hair.
Pick up the rug and Shake it Off
If you dont want to use the Vacuum cleaner an easier way to keep your Cowhide Rug clean regularly, is by taking it outside and shake it off vigorously. This action will remove dirt from the surface and even all dirt deeper in the rug.
What about Spills?
Little accidents can always happen, maybe you are having a Little party at home and some spills a drink on your Cowhide Rug. If this is the case you must act quickly, get a towel or a sponge and soke the spill up. Although Artisan Cowhide Rugs are resistant to staining, if you dont ack quickly as we previously mentioned and let the liquid sit on the cowhide rug for a long time it will create damage to the rug.
Cowhide rugs are a natural fiber which is not intended to be cleaned in a washing machine using detergents. This can cause damage to the back suede and even remove the hair, which is the main attribute of this natural pieces.
Please follow this cleaning guidelines and you will enjoy a beautiful cowhide rug for many years.